Tonight I witnessed the worst things man could witness.
The realization that humanity has no humanity.
We are but animals and savages in the core of our soul.
What will the world come to when I am gone?
I feel as if the entropy of this world might finally reach nil,
And soon there will be nothing left to destroy.
To me, our true sides have been revealed,
We are a corrupted and broken species.
Today I saw, smelt, felt and heard the worst humanity had to offer.
The devil sat me down in his movie theater with the intentions of horrifying me.
To unveil his eternity of hard work, like a trophy case of his accomplishments.
Strangely my thoughts were focused on what a lonely man he was,
Just trying to be noticed, and felt I was his first visitor in a while.
But that amusement was short lived as the lights were dimmed and the film began to roll.
I was swamped in sadness that love, hope and brightness were miles away,
And seemed so miniscule in quantitative terms in comparison.
Why? How?
How did it come to this?
Where in our genes are we instilled with this capacity of committing such ugliness to each other?
Time stayed still, with me writhing in disgust and horror as the devil’s collections were played in front of me.
My eyes were forced to witness it all, and eternity to me was measured in seconds.
When I finally broke loose of this evil spell, I felt as if many lives had passed.
Now I step into the cold shower, awake and lucid,
Only asking myself, why would the devil show me this?
What do I have to learn and gain from this experience?
I know the message is important,
And I’m trying to grasp the answer.